Our Tribute to The Mother of All Relays - Hood to Coast

If you are a runner, walker, or have lived in the PNW for any length of time, you’ve probably heard about Hood to Coast. It’s a relay race that takes runners from Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood to Seaside at the Oregon Coast. 198 miles of cramped vans, porta-potties, sleep deprivation, good chaos, and I almost forgot, running!

Jess and I have had the opportunity to run Hood to Coast many times. Each time I learn something new, like the fact that training for Cycle Oregon does not translate to running – ask my IT band to tell you all about that.

Our homage to this relay race comes in the form of three bright mismatched pairs of socks. Safety neons! The Elevation line in these socks is modeled after the elevation profile of the race. Those first few legs are no joke, you’re basically sprinting down a mountain. Seeing the sunrise, however, helps to distract from quad pain.

We are stoked on this new take of the Elevation sock, and we hope y’all love it as much we do. You can check them out on our site here.

p.s. this year we will be volunteering at one of the exchanges and we’ll be counting how many Athletic socks we see out there. Our team, Bigfoot Chasers (386), will be having a blast and wearing these beauties on their final legs – give them a high five if you see them out there!



Jess and Vanessa

pps: We are going to run a bundle promotion of these beauties all the way through the end of Hood to Coast, 3 for $50. 

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